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Notre espace Wecandoo à Paris
Zythologue (sommelier de la bière) et expert en fromage
Marco de Waard completed the zythologist and beer sommelier courses in 2016, followed by a brewer and fermentation technician programme in 2019. In 2022, his passion for artisan cheeses also led him to start the two-year cheese master's program.
His mission is to re-educate the palate of the beer drinker and introduce people to new styles of beer in combination with artisanal cheeses. Under the credo "it's not that you do not like beer, it's that you didn't discover the right style yet" Marco has collaborated with Kaasaffineurs Van Tricht to provide over 100 high-end beer and cheese pairings.
Through his tastings and workshops, Marco also wants to demystify the world of artisan beers and cheeses. He invites everyone to discover these true crafts.
So, whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newcomer, come and join him!